Chabad of Baka
Building campaign website
Freelance project for Chabad of Baka to help fundraising for their new building.
Built with Wordpress
Great experience with devops and troubleshooting errors.
Freelance project for Chabad of Baka to help fundraising for their new building.
Built with Wordpress
Great experience with devops and troubleshooting errors.
Final project at Developer Institute coding bootcamp, using Python and Django.
Deployed with pythonanywhere
Worked in team of three. You don't know github until you work in teams.
Pratice project making a clean and responsive one page site.
Deployed with github pages
Built using HTML CSS Javascipt and Jquery, ensuring clean and readable code.
Lead the development of this mini course at my last company, Vinciworks, and E learning company. Adapted and updated the original phishing course with help from the dev team, content creator and designer.
Second of the two mini courses created at Vinciworks, adapted from Phishing 2.0 with new colour theme and content.